Sunday, September 30, 2012

Arise Of The MUMMIES!!!

The most common thought that comes to your mind when you think of Egypt, is mummies, right?  Well they didn't start off making mummies of everyone like you may think, they only mummified the pharaohs (rulers of Egypt).  They put these mummies in the pyramids to keep them safe in the afterlife.  One pharaoh decided to have his tomb underground to keep tomb robbers from stealing the jewels inside and his was the only one found with everything left in it!!  The reason I chose mummies to be in this exhibit is because we learned a lot about our bodies by making mummies so our knowledge of how our insides look and work started here!

To display this I would definitely show a remake of King Tut's tomb.  Maybe even have a real mummy enclosed in a glass case (of course) for people to see.

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